a very interesting website place.


May 08 2023

<p>&quot;I shall fear no evil . . .&quot;</p> <p>My heart beats faster, but my wings are steady. I am determined.</p> <p>I take one last look at the golden clouds of the Above before I plummet through them. The sky around me grows darker as I leave the plane of the divine.</p> <p>I have pierced this...</p>

Triple Moon Update Log

May 06 2023

<p>This is going to contain ongoing documentation on the ongoing progress of the ongoing novel, <em>Triple Moon</em>. Chances are you won't find much of interest here, unless you are really curious about some of the thought process around how the novel evolves (evolvels? novelves?). ...</p>

Tiny Deaths, an interactive Cold War adventure

Mar 27 2021

<p>The fog was lifting a bit, but it did little to lift the dreadful mood hanging over the streets of Prague. You don't know if it was just the biting cold, or the context of your business there, but the grey gloom of that cold winter morning hung thicker than that fog ever did...</p>

Answer this!

Mar 23 2021

<p>I have been working on some new interactive functionality to go along with the content I've been posting. I have a few ideas for how to make some engaging content, and let my reader(s) have some say in the direction things go. I'm going to play around with some stuff, trying...</p>

Important News

Mar 18 2021

<p>I want to bring up something that has unfortunately been on my mind a lot lately. It is unfortunate, because it is a discourse largely dominated by negativity and disgust. It is a topic that can&rsquo;t be brought up without bringing up the names of some very negative and disgusti...</p>

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